Here’s where DineSafe inspectors found major food safety violations this week
Article Published March 7, 2025
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In total eight conditional passes were issued restaurants, bars, cafés, bakeries and grocery stores between Feb. 27 and March 5
Banh Cuon Huong Que Restaurant at 2708 Jane Street received a conditional pass on Feb. 28 with six major infractions:
Operate food premise
Fail to provide adequate number of handwashing stations
Fail to protect food from contamination or adulteration
Fail to maintain handwashing stations (liquid soap and paper towels)
Sanitize utensils in chlorine solution of less than 100 p.p.m. of available chlorine
Fail to maintain records of pest control measures taken
Dong Dong Bbq Meat Bibimbap at 23 Baldwin Street received a conditional pass on March 3 with two major infractions:
Fail to protect against harbouring of pests
Fail to protect food from contamination or adulteration
Pho Tien Thanh at 57 Ossington Avenue received a conditional pass on March 3 with two major infractions:
Fail to protect against breeding of pests
Fail to collect waste when necessary to maintain sanitary condition
Banh Cuon Huong Que Restaurant at 2708 Jane Street received a conditional pass on March 4 with two major infractions:
Fail to obtain food from source subject to inspection
Operate food premise
Little Bangladesh Restaurant at 2940 Danforth Avenue received a conditional pass on March 4 with one major infraction:
Fail to provide adequate number of handwashing stations
Tenon Vegan Sushi at 487 Bloor Street West received a conditional pass on March 4 with three major infractions:
Use handwashing station other than for handwashing of employees
Operate food premise
Fail to protect against harbouring of pests
Vaikha Indian Restaurant at 3322 Keele Street received a conditional pass on March 4 with two major infractions:
Fail to remove wastes when necessary to maintain sanitary condition
Operate food premise
The Beacher Cafe at 2160 Queen Street East received a conditional pass on March 5 with two major infractions:
Fail to provide handwashing stations with adequate supplies (hot and cold water)
Operate food premise
Miss a DineSafe report? See which restaurants recently made the list.
A conditional pass is issued when at least one infraction presents a significant health risk, and a closure is ordered when at least one infraction presents an immediate health hazard. Both outcomes trigger an additional inspection within 48 hours. Failure to comply with Toronto’s DineSafe program can result in fines, court summons and other enforcement action.
About this story
This story was automatically generated using open data from the City of Toronto. The Toronto Star has no role in collecting, reviewing or analyzing this data, and makes no representations or endorsements about any food premises, or the products or services offered by a food premise. Readers should review any municipal disclaimers