How Canada’s Universities & Colleges Are Handling The Fall 2021 Semester

Article By Katherine Singh Published July 13, 2021
Article Source: Back To University Canada Fall 2021 COVID Guidelines (

In the winter of 2019, my cousin, Maya Singh was excited. She was set to graduate from her GTA-based high school the coming spring and go off to Fleming College that September, starting her program in developmental services, and making new friends while eating mediocre dorm food. Then, COVID hit. Rather than pay tuition and residence fees just to sit at a computer for another 12 months, she decided to postpone college and re-apply for the 2021 school year. “It was very upsetting because in first year you get to have new experiences and create new friendships; it’s a different environment from what you’re used to,” says Singh, now 18. “When COVID hit, it stopped everything.”

Now, the fall 2021 semester is approaching, ushering in another back-to-school in the time of COVID. Last year saw the majority of post-secondary institutions move their classes entirely online, which, for students looking to experience the Hollywood version of a university experience, meant no in-person classes and tutorials and — maybe even more importantly for some — no parties or extracurriculars

This year, with more than 36% of eligible Canadians fully vaccinated, and 77% partially vaccinated, the world looks different, and a little closer to the pre-pandemic schooling we knew and (sometimes) loved. But there are still a lot of changes forthcoming, and the kind of steps post-secondary institutions are taking vary. As of early July, many schools across the country are taking a cautiously optimistic approach to the beginning of the year: Most universities and colleges are offering a mixture of online and in-person learning (the latter primarily for students who have on-site labs), with more in-person classes to be phased in as vaccination progresses, in compliance with public health guidelines.

For example, at Brock University in St. Catharines, ON, the school has outlined three possible scenarios for classes come September. It's predicting course delivery will include a “significant return to on-campus instruction, complemented with online and hybrid elements.” At Centennial College in Toronto and Nunavut Arctic College in Iqaluit, the majority of classes will remain online. The former requires that any students who do physically come on campus follow campus re-entry guidelines and protocols, which include completing and presenting a COVID-19 pre-screening assessment before every visit to the campus. International students are able to attend classes virtually from outside of Canada until December 31. In B.C., post-secondary schools have been advised that they’ll be able to return entirely to in-person classes and extracurriculars come September. 

Shivani Persad has had a taste of what this hybrid learning can look like. Enrolled in broadcast journalism at Seneca College since May, Persad has attended the majority of her classes virtually. While her class of four people (knocked down from the usual 20 because of COVID) can easily social distance, Persad’s first in-person class didn’t happen until early July — and there were some hiccups. “Yesterday was our TV newscast class, and you’re in a mask the whole time,” she tells Refinery29. That may not sound like a big issue off the bat, but for Persad and her classmates, who want to use on-camera snippets for reels to get hired after graduating, seeing the bottom of their face is kind of important. “At some point we’ll have to do it without our masks, or else we won’t be able to use them in our demo reels.” 

In addition to COVID restrictions, teachers and students must also contend with logistical hurdles: Most on-campus equipment hasn’t been used in over eight months. “My instructor was running back and forth between the tech room and our room because the green screen wasn't working, or they weren't able to record, or the sound [wasn’t working].” According to Persad, her instructor hopes to get the class on-campus and on-camera without masks before the program ends this summer (safely, of course). “I would argue that college programs especially where you have to be in a lab or doing more hands-on are going to be the ones that are the most affected,” Persad says.

That's another q: How safe is it to go back? “It's a lot safer this coming September than it was last September,” says Colin Furness, an assistant professor at the Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation at the University of Toronto, about the reintroduction of in-person classes. A year ago, Furness says major concerns centred around a looming second wave and the chain of transmission (ie: young, healthy university and college students who could pass along COVID to older and more at-risk family members). This year, his concern isn’t so much about real and present danger as it is uncertainty regarding potential unknowns. “That gets down to how COVID behaves and vaccination rates,” he says. 

With COVID continuously mutating and changing (by now, you’ve likely heard all about the Delta variant), questions remain about how different variants will behave in different climates and populations. Will they infect children — who aren’t currently eligible for vaccinations — more easily? Will they cause more severe illness? What percentage of the population needs to be vaccinated in order to achieve herd immunity? This info will only come with time.

In the meantime, we still need to be vigilant. Dr. Christos Karatzios, a pediatric infectious disease specialist at McGill University Health Centre, points to mass hospitalizations and deaths in India as an example of the variants effect. "It's a numbers game. A lot more people are going to go to hospital. A lot more people will end up getting sick." This is most likely to happen among people who are only partially or unvaccinated. "We need two doses in order to get higher antibody levels to prevent the virus from attaching to our bodies and making us ill. One dose is not going to cut it."

Furness believes that a potentially looming fourth wave — which would disproportionately affect unvaccinated people — could end up resulting in renewed enthusiasm for vaccination. “A lot of unvaccinated people are going to be rushing to get vaccinated in the fall once they've seen the statistics,” he says, which could mean more vaccinated people in school settings come the winter semester. 

There's also a debate about mandatory vaccines. Despite some schools across the U.S. mandating that students be fully vaccinated before being allowed on campus, only a handful of Canadian campuses have followed suit — to an extent. The University of Toronto, Western University, Durham College, and Fanshawe College will all require that students living in residence be vaccinated (receiving at least one dose). Seneca College is one of the sole universities in the country that will requires all students and staff be vaccinated in order to enter campus for in-person classes, it announced July 13. Though many universities, like the University of Alberta, are actively encouraging students and faculty who are eligible for vaccines to do so before returning to campus, they have stopped short of making it mandatory. 

As experts have pointed out, mandatory vaccination requirements bring up questions of equity accessibility, although it should be noted that schools — especially at the elementary level — have a history of requiring mandatory immunization against polio, measles, mumps, and chickenpox, to name a few. Furness suggests allowing unvaccinated students to continue learning online, while Karatzios points to the United States’ method of incentivizing citizens to get vaccinated as a potential model Canada could follow. "[Could] students get some form of discount on their tuition fees, or a monetary voucher for books and school supplies?” (Again, there are ethical complications to this.)

Remote learning does have its perks, however. Keeping courses online — or accessible online for those who want to remain remote — means that students who may not be able to physically travel for school due to health, financial, or accessibility reasons can still take part in learning.

For Singh, heading into her first year — albeit a little later than planned — is still exciting, but also stressful, and not just for the regular old reasons like assignment deadlines. She’s decided to stick closer to home, attending Durham College so she can live with her parents, and keep the job she worked over the last year. “I’m really stressed about it,” she says of starting school online, “because being at home you have no motivation to do school.” It doesn’t help that her bed is mere steps away from her desk. Ultimately Singh says she does feel like she made the right decision delaying her two-year program. But she does feel some regret. “I feel like I'm missing out on the whole college experience,” she says. “A year is going by where I haven’t made any new friends, I haven't done any school activities.” 

How universities and colleges across Canada are handling COVID-19 now

Here’s how universities and colleges across Canada are handling the second COVID-19 fall semester, including which schools will open, which will stay virtual, and which you’ll need a vaccine to get in the doors.


Brock University
Carleton University
Centennial College
Conestoga College
Durham College
Fleming College
George Brown College
Georgian College
Humber College
Lakehead University
Laurentian University
McMaster University
Mohawk College 
OCAD University
Ontario Tech University
Queen’s University
Ryerson University
Seneca College
Sheridan College
Trent University
University of Guelph
University of Ottawa
University of Toronto
University of Waterloo
University of Windsor
Western University
Wilfrid Laurier UniversityYork University

British Columbia

Douglas College
Langara College
Simon Fraser University
Thompson Rivers University
University of British Columbia 
University of the Fraser Valley
University of Victoria 


Concordia University of Edmonton
MacEwan University
Red River College
University of Alberta
University of Calgary


University of Regina
University of Saskatchewan
Saskatchewan Polytechnic


Brandon University
University of Manitoba
University of Winnipeg


Bishop's University
Concordia University
Laval University
McGill University
Université de Montréal

Newfoundland and Labrador

College of the North Atlantic
Memorial University 

Prince Edward Island

Holland College
University of Prince Edward Island

Nova Scotia

Acadia University
Cape Breton University
Dalhousie University
Nova Scotia Community College
St. Francis Xavier University
Saint Mary's University

New Brunswick

New Brunswick Community College
Mount Allison University
University of New Brunswick

Yukon, Northwest Territories & Nunavut

Aurora College
Nunavut Arctic College
Yukon University

This story has been updated with additional reporting



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